Modern, industrialised societies greatly undervalue craft. Artisans, craftsmen and, generally, skilled tradespeople, are part of an ever-shrinking group of people who work with their hands, specifically to make things. The modern, throwaway society that we live in has less appreciation for hand-crafted things than the societies of years past, mainly due to the wide availability, and extremely low cost of mass-manufactured items. That doesn't mean, however, that craft has disappeared from our society altogether. The cultural paradigm is shifting, and in recent years society has become more aware of a need for artisans and craftsmen. The "OneofaKind" Show, held annually in Chicago, New York, and Vancouver, and biannually in Toronto, celebrates the time-honoured tradition of craft, featuring hand-made products from fashion to food, art, and ecologically responsible and sustainable products. The OneofaKind show invites small, independent companies or individuals to exhibit their hand-crafted wares and sell them to the public, creating awareness for local artisans, artists, designers and craftspeople. One such person, Jennifer Jakob (http://www.jenniferjakob.com/), a glass bead maker from Ottawa, creates her own jewellery using her hand-crafted glass beads. The difference between her jewellery and the jewellery available in retail stores is that hers is made by hand, by one person, and her love for beadmaking is evident in her work. Perhaps society doesn't enjoy the higher cost associated with hand-crafted design, but it certainly appreciates the uniqueness and quality of it.
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